Chris Perez (She/Her)
Programs Manager, Farmer Support
Chris Perez is deeply committed to creating equitable food systems. She has spent roughly 9 years working in Urban Agriculture using biodynamic designs and soil restoration practices. She has managed various farms and food distribution projects such as Farmer’s Markets and CSA’s throughout the country.
She was lucky enough to take her interest abroad to Italy where she studied Sustainable Food Production. She was also able to WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities for Organic Farmers) for a few different farms and learn how cooperative farms supported their local ecologies.
Throughout her career Chris has learned that it is important to consider nuances of community and land in order to create a truly sustainable food system. Her work is deeply rooted in a love for community and the planet in which we all share. She believes that a just and equitable food system is the bridge of a better life for both the land but also its inhabitants.
Chris is a passionate person and tries to enjoy her life as much as possible! Some of her favorite things are activism, spending time with her family, cuddling with her cats, gardening, cooking, hiking, foraging, reading, watching movies, swimming, cycling, sewing, painting, and building magical worlds in dungeons and dragons!